in partnership with
in conjuction with
Festival of Songs
London College of Music High Scorer Concert
Festival of Songs provides a platform for talented choirs to showcase their artistic achievements. Choirs who have attained the Distinction award are invited to perform in this gala-concert. Choirs and conductors can take the London College of Music Examinations.
This series of concerts seek to encourage choral higher-education by examinations and promote choral arts through the performance of outstanding accomplishments.
Prof. John Howard
London College of Music Exminations
London College of Music
University of West London
Ensemble exams play a significant role in music performance, and I would like to congratulate all the students for doing their best during the recent LCM Ensemble Exams in March 2015. They have displayed their ability and achieved their potential in gaining a Dictinction qualitifcation through excellent teamwork.
The conductors have worked hard with the groups, training each one to their fullest potential. With the individual certificates bearing each performer's name and school, this level of recgonition and achivement will motivate them further.
I would like to acknowledge the success of all students and conductors,and wish you all the best for the future.
Festival of Songs 2015
Distinction Award Choirs
Raffles Girl's Primary School Choir
Catholic High School Edward Becheras Choir
Chung Cheng High School (Main) Choir
Victoria School Choir
Nan Hua High School Choir
Anderson Junior College Choir
Tanjiong Katong Secodary School Choir
Conducting Awards
Adyll Hardy
Associate Diploma in Conducting
Marcus Lee
Associate Diploma in Conducting
John Liau
Diploma in Conducting